AccuCities 3D Model of London

3D Model of London structured in 0.25 km sq tiles. AutoCad solid, SketchUp or FBX formats. Fast 1-day delivery!
Tile cost: Level 2: £250+VAT, Level 3: £500+VAT, Textured: £1,000+VAT

Context 3D Models – Available UK Wide

Use our Quoting Tool to send us z map mark-up. 0.1 km sq (330 x 330 meters) 3D Model now only £500 + VAT. Available anywhere in the United Kingdom. Average 3D Model delivery time: 6 days.

Accurate 3D City Models
Affordable Prices & Quick Delivery

We are the specialist supplier of 3D city models for planning to the industry. Our 3D City models library consists of ready-made CAD models structured in 500 x 500 meters tiles. Sites outside of city centres can be captured to order. Use our Quoting Tool to check 3D data availability, prices and delivery times.